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Dave's Biography

Why he's running as a Democrat for
NH State Rep

Hi! I'm Dave Martsolf. And, this is why I'm in the race!

Dave at Sabbaday Falls

Due in large part to the creation and widespread adoption of social media platforms as a way to build and amplify social communities, our two-party system has gradually morphed into camps of extremely bipolar partisanship. Gone is the essential social glue of compromise and respect for each other as citizens, all of whom should agree to be held accountable before commonly accepted laws and rules of responsible social interaction.

I am a Democrat. I believe in a better future that focuses on inclusion, equal rights under the law, and diversity: a Star Trek - like community that looks across all races, religions, genders, and cultures to bring out the Men in Black's best of the best of the best, SIR type people.

Come with me. Together, we can overcome fear, hatred, and anger to make a more equitable world, "a more perfect union", as it were, just as our founding fathers intended.


June 19, 1949 in Manhattan, Kansas


Pittsburgh, PA & Concord, NH




Emily, age 24, Comp Sci BS, Rensellaer




MIT Architecture, UNH BA Fine Arts

a BIOLOGICAL timeline

Dave Martsolf - His Achievements

from the 1950s to the Current Day


Our family moved to Western Pennsylvania so that my dad could help run his father's architectural firm. I would fall asleep to the sound of 200-car coal trains running down the valley to fire up the great steel mills along the Ohio River. I loved Pittsburgh's Golden Triangle as the city embraced clean air and water, renewing its image.


It is important to note that as a privileged white boy in a segregated urban community, I was completely oblivious to the problems of racial segregation and the red-lining of the black community, which was significant. It was never a topic of conversation with my parents. I imagine most of my white childhood peers experienced this same ignorance.


Our parents were divorced in 1961. My mom, myself (aged 12) and 2 brothers moved to New Hampshire, the state of my mother's birth and childhood. There are details available in a Blurb book titled "Architect of Dreams, Martsolf", available for free online review by anyone. Here is the link.


The 60s saw me graduate from Concord High School. Achievements included Eagle Scout, Pro Deo et Patria religious scouting award. Order of the Arrow, Senior Patrol Leader, 1st chair trumpet CHS band, CHS winter track letter, 1967 All-State Chorus, 50% scholarship acceptance at both MIT and Cornell. i decided on MIT's Architecture studies.


Transferred from MIT to UNH to pursue a Fine Arts degree. First marriage family responsibilities delayed graduation until 1985. I became a Journeyman Bookbinder at the Graphic Arts International Union, Local 131B, working at Rumford Press for 13 years, while also creating Martsolf Associates, a sole proprietorship producer of Fine Art for sale.


At the closing of Rumford Press, I became a technician at Sprague Electric Co., moving quickly into non-union management positions as Production Foreman, Process Engineer, Quality Manager, Planning Manager, and Quality Manager once more as operations moved from Concord, NH to Worcester, MA.


Artwork continued with awards until 1983 when management positions at Sprague (soon to be split off as Allegro MicroSystems, then purchased by Japanese Sanken Electric ), intervened. During that time I created and ran a profitable software company, Aisle Seat Software, which published yearly reviews of movies, sold by mail on floppy disks.


During my tenure as Quality Manager at Allegro MicroSystems, I also created a new startup, Damsel Software Group, which created and sold DVD screensavers based on New England photography and original artwork. This continued successfully until the growth of corporate IT departments outlawed 3rd party software uploads to corporate computers.


Retired from Allegro MicroSystems after 33 years service. Began focus on Dave Martsolf Fine Arts as a business entity that exists to this day. Https://www.martsolffineart.com .

2018 to 2024

During this time I became increasingly focused on the rise of the dark direction of American politics, enabled in large part by the emergence of unrestrained and content-uncontrolled social media platforms, which gave rise to platforms for hate speech, anger, fear mongering, and outright lies to fester and grow in our political system.


We are on the cusp of a stage-four cancer in American politics, which threatens the very life of a democratic system of governance where physical might levied by bad actors can wrest control of the body politic from both responsible conservatives and our more liberal constituencies.

In this election, vote for democracy.

Vote for Dave Martsolf

Support a BLUE SLATE

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My love for New Hampshire's wild places

As a lover of the outdoors and New Hampshire's wilderness areas, in my 20s I climbed all 48 of New Hampshire's 4000' peaks. I must admit that at that time I was just a racing peak-bagger who loved primarily the view from the top and that sense of accomplishment one gets by reaching a goal. In my 40s I climbed them all again, often using new trails and taking my time to enjoy the geology, vegetation and wildlife. Today, I am more of a slow-walker, but still enjoy the thrill of reaching treeline and these wild wide-open spaces.

"Keeping one's mind open and curious throughout life builds character, compassion, and wisdom."

    Greetings, Windham Voters!

    The Republicans took over the NH House in 2020.  Since then they have defunded public schools by permitting our state tax revenues to be diverted to religious and private schools

    They have voted against renewable energy and energy saving projects, loosening already loose gun laws, allowing guns in schools and polling places, made it more difficult for legal voters to vote, and by enacting NH’s first ever ban on abortion.

    To reverse these regressive policies, as well as prevent any implementation of Project 2025-type policies, New Hampshire needs to hand the reins of government back to the Democrats.  Did you know that in the last election, 2022, the Democrats lost this advantage again, but this time by only 3 seats, and by a total of 11 votes among those 3 seats.  With the clear and present danger of Project 2025’s dystopian view of our future enslaved society, I invite you to join me in rescuing New Hampshire from the clutches of MAGA extremism.  Because, as sure as night follows day, if Trump is elected, a Republican-led NH House will fall in line with any pronouncement, or policy that comes out of the maw of MAGA.

    My qualifications to represent Windham in this fight - - -   I have had over 33 years experience in managerial positions at Allegro MicroSystems as Process Manager, Planning Manager, and Quality Manager.  I know how to work with people and customers to get the job done.  In this election you, the people of Windham, will be my customers.  I will work for you, and deliver efficient, cost-effective solutions to the problems we all face.  My website welcomes you with my essential promise, Fiscal Responsibility with Social Respect.  We can all be ourselves individually, but in a society we must also be fiscally balanced as much as possible.  So, let’s talk about Fiscal Responsibility first.

                The NH fiscal budget will be tight these next 2 years as federal stimulus from the COVID pandemic dries up.  I do not support an income tax or sales tax to make ends meet.  But, I also do not see any possible cuts to the business tax, and I do not agree that we should end the interest and dividends tax.

                So, where do the monies come from to support our schools, child care, and other current programs?  I propose 3 new revenue streams that will at least cover the ruinous effects of an inflation that was, in my view, caused by the federal stimulus required to save the nation during the COVID crisis.  

                First, guns should be treated like cars, as they both can be lethal weapons.  Gun licensing, registration, training, and inspection can provide new revenue, both to the state, and to the private sector that will be responsible for training before the gun owner takes a state test, and those businesses that will carry out periodic inspections for compliance to state-mandated rules of gun construction and gun safety.

                Second, the state should increase the use fees for State Parks for out-of-state visitors, while providing discounts for in-state users, based on recording of the state auto license on the payment form.

                Third, the legalization and regulatory control, including taxation, of the commercial sale of marijuana products in the state should be implemented.  Home-grown use, like home-brewed beer can be free and legal, but when sold commercially, these products should be controlled and taxed using the sale of beer, wine and liquor in this state as a model.

                To understand my social views it is now time to tell you a bit about my background.  I was born in Kansas to a Fine Arts professor and a professional photographer.  I soon moved to the Pittsburgh, PA area, where my dad joined his architect father, and soon became one himself. 

    This region had a large black population, but in the 1950s segregation meant our cultures were kept completely separate.  I lived a life of white privilege and didn’t even know it, until years later in Boston while attending MIT, studying, guess what, architecture.  Studying urban planning, I learned what it was like to live in a black neighborhood.  It was very scary to see what happens to human beings who have been left with minimal resources , who were unable to get banks loans for housing due to the infamous practice of red-lining in urban neighborhoods of color.

    My educational pathway did lead away from architecture and back to Fine Arts at the University of New Hampshire where I graduated with a BA.  A solo artist’s life is much like the Starving Artists Moving Company. I had to find gainful employment.  I spent 13 years working nights at a large printing company as a Journeyman Bookbinder with the Graphic Arts International Union, Local 131B.  When that company was shut down in 1983, I began work at what was to become Allegro MicroSystems, quickly moving into management at ever more responsible positions within this non-union company over a period of 33 years

    It was in my capacity as Quality Manager that I came to truly understand and work effectively with people from all cultures, races, religions, and genders.  Our company manufactures contactless semiconductor switches that find many applications in the automotive industry worldwide.  Hand in hand with Sales and Marketing, I worked with Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, Danes, the French, Germans, Filipinos, the Chinese, the Japanese, and the South Koreans.  Tolerance was learned especially in Japan where customers would rake you over the coals during business hours, and then become fast friends at evening dinners.

    It is because of this life-long education, my continued passion for learning and understanding, and my fight to overcome fear of the unknown and darkness that I stand as I do today on social issues.  I am pro-choice and pro-public education.  I support clean air and water, renewables and the mitigation of climate change, gender rights, improved child care, affordable housing, orderly immigration, and increased border drug detection and enforcement.

    If you are so inclined, please donate to our common cause.  And, of course, please cast your vote for Dave Martsolf on September 10th and November 5th.  Thank you very much.